It can be tough for anyone to read a label. All of those unfamiliar words can be confusing. In a lot of cases you will just be scanning for an allergen. You could be looking for Peanut or Milk but did you know that there are what some call "code words" for these allergens as well? Reading a label requires more than just looking for one specific word per allergen, you are looking for a variety of words that could all mean that it contains that allergen. Any time I make something new, I am googling words that I am unfamiliar with. Companies also change formulas quite frequently so you want to be sure to read a label EVERY time you feed it to someone allergic. I have come across many foods that my son used to eat that is no longer okay because they decided to add one little ingredient.
If there is someone in your household with a food allergy or someone that you cook for with allergies it is a good idea to have these words on hand. Click here to see "code words" for common allergens I would print that out or save it to your computer so you can refer to it if you have any questions.
My goodness, honey, you are so thorough!!